Teachers are supposed to be role models for their students...supposed to. In these cases, bad teachers were exposed and fired for things that really shouldn't happen in schools. And sometimes, good teachers were framed for horrible things.
Sleeping It Off
“Our English Teacher turned up still drunk from the night before. Fortunately she had us 6th Years (17-18 year olds) for a double period first thing. We told her to go sleep it off and she did. We woke her up 2 hours later when the class finished. We had your back Mrs. Cairney!” Source
KKK Propagande Is Never Going To Get You Good Marks
“Her son, who attended the school, put KKK propaganda in black students’ lockers as a ‘joke’ and was subsequently expelled. She wasn’t fired, but from what I can tell, she and the school both agreed that it would be better for her to leave after that incident.” Source
Cheat, With Help From Teacher
“In elementary school, we had a teacher who would whisper the answers to us during exams if we didn’t know or if we had gotten it wrong, collected the pens we used after the exam was over so she could correct our answers and add marks. Needless to say, a lot of us got well above the average. It seemed normal to me and I didn’t even realize she got fired when she stopped coming mid-year. Actually, I didn’t realize we were all cheating until a few years later.” Source
Minor Mistake, Big Consequences
“‘That one teacher’ was Mr. M. He was our sixth grade science teacher, and everyone loved him. He was a firm but fair teacher that made sure we all understood the material and even made learning sixth grade science material surprisingly enjoyable. Every Friday, he’d wear silly bright red shoes, and for birthdays, he would take a photo with the birthday kid with him standing on his head on their desk. Like I said, this guy was great! During one lesson when I was in eighth grade, a student dropped a thermometer on the floor, broke it, and spilled a very tiny amount of mercury on the floor. Mr. M cleaned it up, but apparently not the right way, according to the administration. Once they caught wind of the story, he was forced to leave for apparently putting kids in danger, even though that amount of mercury would not even be close to dangerous. Everyone was crushed. A ton of students all banded together to buy him a new pair of red shoes. Last I heard from him, he got a great job in another school in the state where he’s loved by the students there too, so that’s good. I’m friends on Facebook with him, I should ask him about what’s new when I can.” Source
When The Head Of The Board’s Son Is Caught Cheating…
“One of our students was a son of the director/head of the board. I caught him cheating on my final exam. It was a definition question, and I found the (web page) on his phone where he copied the exact answer. I, of course, gave him an F. At the end of that semester, like a week later, I was told to leave. He passed my class with a C without my approval.” Source
Racist AND Homophobic
“We had a sub in 8th grade science class. Black kid mentions that his uncle is homosexual and dead. Sub responds, ‘Well he’s in hell, because god hates gays and black people.’ The next day, the regular teacher said that the sub would never work at the district again.” Source
Don’t Try Pro Wrestling Moves On Your Students
“Suplexed a kid through a desk. An extemely dangerous pro wrestling move. I am not joking. He was messing around with students during a black out and suplexed a girl through a desk. An ambulance had to be called because she hurt her head and the teacher was fired on, wait for it, drug charges because drug dogs found weed in his desk drawer. And yes, it was a German suplex and a German Shepherd. Cops with drug dogs just so happened to be doing their routine visit when they busted him. As for the people who are disappointed with the type of suplex, according to what I heard, the girl did get airtime before she promptly almost f_cking died.” Source
Terrible Students Conspired To Get Him Fired
“He was a science teacher. One day in class he disciplined a girl who was misbehaving. She and a few friends conspired together to start rumours that he had molested them. The teacher didn’t do anything and the girls came forward that they’d made it up when they realized how big of a deal it was, but he resigned anyway because mud sticks. Shame – he was a good teacher.” Source
Don’t “Have A Coke” With This Teacher
“A teacher went to a store with a student to get razor blades for them to do coke together. Instead of paying for them they tried to steal them, got caught and the police found a bunch of coke on them. The student happened to be the son of the chief of police and received no punishment. The teacher of course was fired.” Source
A Sad Story…
“My teacher was gay in an extremely conservative, small town. She just made kids do what they were supposed to and was really cool. She was like a second mom to me. My school got in pretty big trouble with the ACLU because someone reported that we had the 10 commandments hanging in the hall and our graduating seniors were required to sing a religious song during the ceremony. No one knew who called it in so they blamed it on the gay teacher who didn’t stand with the rest of the crowd when the students ‘courageously’ sang the song anyway. Some kids in our school’s religious group didn’t like her homosexuality and the fact that she supposedly ratted them out, so the next school year they made up a lie that she helped them cheat on exams. Another teacher was also in the room the test was being given, and he testified that the students were lying. School board didn’t like her because they thought she was the one who drew all that negative attention from the media, so they fired her anyway. She had depression problems which we discussed personally. She killed herself a week before the new school year. 8/13/15.” Source
Debating The Debate Teacher
“I’m not sure what she finally ended up getting fired for, but I’m sure it was something similar to what she did to me my freshman year to get herself put on ‘probation’. She was a very traditional, annoying old lady. Speech and debate teacher. She also had a weird twitch sort of thing going on with her face. She had a lot of trouble actually teaching and keeping control of her classes and students were really mean to her. I felt terrible for her. In my class I would try tell people to stop because it was unnecessary and rude and I really just wanted to get my work done and get out of there. At one point we were assigned persuasive speeches. I did mine on the death penalty. But mine wasn’t the problem. Another student in class did his in support of gay marriage, which she was very much against. She gave us our feedback directly after our speeches, in front of the class, while we were still standing at the podium. Instead of critiquing a single thing about the presentation of his speech, she just went off about gay marriage. ‘The bible this, the bible that, blah blah blah your whole speech is wrong even though it’s well researched and it’s an opinion but I disagree with it so you’re going to fail’. Slight exaggeration but that was the gist of it. I felt that that really wasn’t fair and I raised my hand to counter her and said that she should be worried about the research, content, presentation, etc of his speech and not only the opinion behind it. Apparently this struck a f_*king nerve or something and this woman had the audacity to tell me that I was going to h_ll and that God is going to turn his back on America and I, myself, as a singular person, for defending a freshman student’s speech against unfair bias in speech class, am the entire reason for it. I was shocked and quite frankly didn’t really know what to do so after class I paid a visit to the guidance counselor and just asked if I could be switched to another class. I didn’t have any intentions of getting her in trouble or anything but we weren’t allowed to just switch classes in the middle of the semester without reason so I had to tell him what the problem was, and obviously, he was livid and filed a report with the office. The next day I came into class and she was sitting at her desk crying because she received notice that she was on probation and would be fired if there were any more similar incidents reported. She told me ‘you didn’t have to tell on me!’ ‘Yeah and you didn’t have to tell me I was going to H*ll over a speech that wasn’t even mine?'” Source
Fresh Out Of College
“In high school we had a teacher who was fresh out of college. He was chill. End of the school year, we have a field day. Said teacher hangs out on the roof with a few of the seniors. They all got high together and the teacher and one of the students end up f**king. That teacher wasn’t welcomed back the following year. (side note: Last year I saw him on tinder, swiped right as a joke, and it ended up being an instant match.)” Source
The Wrong Way To Reference Tylenol
“We were reading a novel in 7th grade that contained the word ‘ni**er’. A student in my class said he was offended by it and said he refused to read/complete the assignments because ‘him and his people had been subjected to slavery and racism, and still are today’ in front of the whole class. The teacher responded by saying ‘the closest you’ve been to being a slave is picking the cotton out of a bottle of Tylenol'” Source
Don’t Tape Over THAT VHS
“While the H1N1 virus was spreading, one of our teachers decided to show his fifth grade class a video about the virus. But it turned out that he taped the video over a gay porn movie, and for a whole 20 or so seconds, before he could turn it off, a whole class of fifth graders were shown graphic gay porn. He never came back to our school, but was moved to one not too far from ours soon thereafter.” Source
When That “Harsh” Teacher Is Too Harsh
“In Grade School, the art teacher taught art for all the grades. She was known for being harsh and critical among the students, but adults dismissed it as kids whining. Then came the time where the entire school didn’t have an honor roll because she didn’t award a single grade above a C.” Source
Gone Crazy Over A Student
“Stabbed himself in the bathroom and blamed it on a student. He probably should have waited until the student wasn’t sitting in another class and could easily be exonerated.” Source
What This Teacher Did In Her Spare Time…
“My grade school art teacher was this sweet, rotund lady that everyone loved. Fast forward 15 years and she was on the cover of the local newspaper for breaking into cars and using stolen credit cards at an American Eagle. Good times.” Source