Computers have made life extremely easy for students these days, almost too easy. There should be at least one week during the year, where kids have to learn to use computers like we did. Want to use Google? No way. Go out and get yourself an Encarta encyclopedia disc.
Having To Save Things On Floppy Disks

Floppy disks were the worst. They were bulky and always seemed to break for no reason. Plus, you better make sure it was switched to unlock or you weren't saving anything.
Picking Out The Perfect Myspace Layout

Myspace was the king of social media long before FaceBbook. Nothing was harder than picking out the perfect layout for your page — well, except maybe picking out for "top friends" was harder.
Getting Thousands Of These Windows

Nobody uses Internet Explorer anyway, so this doesn't really apply. But when you had no other option, getting these windows meant only one thing — restarting the computer.
Waiting Forever For One File To Download

You can download an entire album in less than a minute these days. Imagine having to wait about two hours for just one song! You didn't even think about dowloading a movie.
Playing This Pinball Game

Yes, this game was fun, but you only played it when the internet wasn't working. Do new computers even offer this game?
Having To Look Things Up With Encarta

If you want to look something up, you just Google it. Except, that wasn't always an option. You used to have to buy this encyclopedia disc to get some of your answers.
Only Playing Educational Games

Computer class consisted of playing games. Sounds fun, right?
The Dreaded Mouse Ball

Out of nowhere, this ball would just stop working. A little piece of dust was enough to make you have to take it out and clean it. Oh, and don’t forget about other kids stealing them all the time.
This Horrible Maze

This maze was enough to make you need another pair a pants. It starts off all innocent, but once you lean in closer to finish it, it was already too late.
Never Being Able To Play A Burned Disc

You finally got all the perfect songs downloaded for your blank disc. All you have to do is burn them and you are ready to go — Not so fast: The majority of stereos wouldn't recognize the discs.
Having To Print Out Directions From MapQuest

MapQuest was amazing when it came out. You didn't have to use an actual road map anymore! But with all the GPS technology out today, MapQuest seems so barbaric.
Downloading A Song From LimeWire

After you weeded out all the possible viruses, you finally found the song you've been looking for. But once you downloaded it and realized it was and edited version, you had to start the process all over again.
Using MSN Messenger To Talk To Your Friends

If you were lucky enough to have a phone, you still had to be conscious of texting limits. Yes, people used to have to worry about how many texts they sent each month. MSN Messegner was the only way to make plans besides actually calling your friends, which cost valuable "minutes" too.
Using Microsoft Paint In Computer Class

When you did get the occasional free time in computer class, you were very limited on what you could do. Paint was the best of a bad situation.
But Only Drawing These Random Shapes

Using the mouse to try and draw anything was basically pointless. You always just added shapes and colored them in. Afterwords you though you were creating some amazing abstract art.
Searching Through Endless Submenus

The "Start" button was your path to everything. There were no widgets or anything on your dock. This meant having to search through countless submenus trying to find just one thing.
The Only “Real” Game You Got To Play In School

If you behaved in class, you usually got to play "Oregon Trail" for the final few minutes. No matter what computer game they come up with, nothing will compare to this one. There's legend about a few people who actually finished the trail, but we think these are just rumors.
Waiting To Connect To The Internet

Wireless internet wasn't even a thought yet. You had to connect a phone line in to the computer to access the web. That connecting noise still haunts us to this day.