Not everyone can be on top of their game every single day. As a result we get some mistakes and even some major fails. Check out these 22 employees who failed so hard, they would have been better off not coming to work.
This Math Is A Little Off
We like the savings here, but have some issues with their math. Hopefully the cashiers know how to count.
He Sure Looks Different
This punter must have had some extreme surgery. As cool as that would be, someone clearly wasn't paying attention.
That’s Just Lazy
Not to mention how mean this is. We just want some Skittles. Don't toy with us like that.
One Hell Of A Deal
Don't pay $9.95 for those plastic goggles. Just pay $9.95 here and get the same quality.
All We Wanted Was Some Coke
Really? Who wants Sprite over Coke? This is just evil and wrong.
3st Place Is Always A Winner
Nobody ever remembers who gets 3rd place, but if you get 3st — you'll go down in the history books.
Onions Sure Have Changed
Nothing like some fresh picked onion on the cob. Wait..something is wrong here.
This young man is happy to see the machine door open. The delivery driver's boss on the other hand won't be so happy.
This Would Be A Different Movie
If Nick Nolte is really Eddie Murphy, he has some explaining to do with all those jokes.
Pull On What?
Push and pull are completely different. If you don't know the difference, you shouldn't have your job for too long.
A Fine Example Of Safety
Texting and talking while driving. Texas must be really proud of their Public Safety workers.
Such A “Cool” Tagline
What if that is the real tagline for the movie? Wait, is it really?!
Just Take Our Money!
Dear Target: We just want to spend all of our money here. Please, just let us in.
Snoop Dogg Would Be Proud
You have to follow all traffic signs, so might as well blaze it up. We'd rather see this sign than one for a delay.
Reading Spanish Is Easy
Why do people think learning Spanish isn't easy? Apparently, we've been fluent all along.
Get Your Hand Out Of There
Oh, you know this person got canned immediately. Who wants to see this before they walk in to a store?
Sorry Handicapped People
Way to get their hopes up. Who ever planned this needs to do a little measuring beforehand next time.
We Didn’t Want That Anyway
If this person gets hired on at another restaurant, they might want to go with "Out of Order" instead.
That Can’t Be A Good Sign
We don't want that fortune if that's their idea of a job well done. Can we please get a re-do?
So Tragic
Whoever destroyed all this olive oil needs to be put away for a long time. Do you know how expensive that stuff is?
That Headline Really Drew Us In
Headers are just for show these days. Everyone knows if a story is good, people will still read it.
“F” For FAIL
The editor of this book surely was in some hot water. Water so hot, the Wooly Mammoth could have survived the climate change.