As it comes up on a year since quarantine first began, countless people have been working from home in their pj’s, desperate to find anything to pass the time. Why not enjoy some deeply relatable memes about how weird this process has been? You definitely have the time to check it out!
1. American Horror Story: Adulthood

2. Brb gonna go tell all my friends I’m extra cheesy!

3. You ever get so used to your alarm that it doesn’t do anything anymore?

4. Now it feels like I’m on duty all the time!

5. Anyone wanna give me the winning lottery number?

6. I always focus on their bookshelves and what they choose to show off.

7. I can’t stop scrolling through all of TikTok, send help!


9. Nothing will get me away from my blanket cocoon.

10. Am I trapped in a Groundhog’s Day time loop? Who knows?

11. Busted!

12. You really do learn something new every day!

13. C’mon parents, let’s be honest here!

14. I am now one with the chair!

15. The new permanent employee of the month (for every month):

16. I feel so seen by this:

17. At least I’m saving on gas money?

18. And finally, a bingo sheet that you can automatically cover all the squares in!