Okay, this is pretty awesome. Pet store Petco has a company-wide policy that states “any domesticated companion animals that are legal to own in your county/city/state, and has proper license and is fully vaccinated, are welcome to accompany you to your visit to Petco. All visiting pets are required to be appropriately restrained (leash/tether, carrier, travel habitat etc.)”
One Texas pushed the limits of that rule and it is glorious!
A Texas rancher named Vincent Browning decided to test the policy, suspecting he and his prize steer, Oliver, would be rebuffed at the door.
The staff at Petco surprised him and welcomed Oliver with open arms, posing for pictures and videos and by the looks of it, have a grand old time!
Oliver is an African-Watusi breed of domestic steer and is fully trained. I think we can agree that he is remarkably well-behaved for cattle.
He also has his own Facebook page, if you’d like to follow his adventures, but for know, check out the video below!