They Showed The Manager What They Really Thought Of Him
The kids proceeded to draw at least five pictures of my manager getting murdered by: jungle cats, tanks, a game of hangman, death incarnate, and some other random stuff. When they left, they left the pictures on the table. My manager proceeded to show every employee in the restaurant all the while laughing himself to death. We got them framed for him for Christmas.”
He Put His Whole Heart In His Art
“When I was a waiter in college, I had a table of two that consisted of a mom in her mid-to-late 30’s and her 9-year-old son. The kid had a set of markers and a sketch pad, and he was writing what I thought was a nickname as a graffiti tag over and over – it was D-Nice. Honestly, the kid was pretty talented for a 9-year-old, and I complimented him on his artistic flair and asked his name, thinking it was a ‘D’ name like Derek or David or something, but he said it was Brett. So I asked what his tag stood for then, and he said it was because his mom’s name was Denise, and D-Nice was his tag as a tribute to her because he loved her. I thought that was awesome. I’ll never forget Brett, and hope he tagged his mom’s name all over the place when he got older.”
It Takes An Intense Kid To Draw Those Kinds Of Pictues
“A 9-year-old drew a very accurate picture of the playground. The swings and slides were depicted just as they are. He also added all the other kids. The picture was well done and I would have loved it if not for the fact that every child in the picture had limbs askew and red pools around their heads and torsos. I asked the boy what he drew. He told me, ‘They all got hurt.’ Then he said, ‘I’m here,’ and pointed to an empty spot on the page. Then he said, ‘and you’re there too Miss,’ and pointed to one of the ruined bodies. He had a single father who was a MMA fighter. I assume he just watched a lot of gory things because he was otherwise a very nice child.”
It Wasn’t Just What He Drew, It Was What He Said
A family of 8 was sitting next to me. The kid drawing was a chubby toddler making noises while scribbling on his paper kids’ menu. His mom asked him, ‘What are you drawing, sweetie?’ His response got him in trouble, but I would bet it would be a million dollar moment for the whole family for the rest of their lives.