Plenty of teens go through an emo or goth phase, but these 13 kids took their idea of "edginess" to a whole new level. Prepare yourself....
The trench coat
Me, when I bought that floor length black leather trenchcoat. I was so mysterious and misunderstood and oh god please kill me it’s too embarrassing. Source
Mr. Spock
We had a guy in our class that was one of those “extreme logic” type of guys that tried to emulate Mr. Spock from Star Trek (we actually called him that). He pretended to have no feelings whatsoever and that anything that wasn’t logical to him, made no sense or wasn’t important. He was that kid that would say that he didn’t want or need friends because friendship “was just chemicals in the brain”, same shit with basically any other emotion such as love. Basically he would throw off these stupid “f*ck yeah! logic!” comments at inappropriate times. The worst was when the father of a kid in our class died and while we were trying to comfort him he basically shouted at him for crying since according to his logic, dead is dead and there’s nothing you can do about it so it made him “angry” to see the kid grieving because of the death of his father. Source
The litanies of Satan
You just made me remember that girl in my class in highschool. I guess today people would say she was the emo / gothic type of girl. At the time we were studying Baudelaire’s Les fleurs du mal and one day she decided to write on the playground, in huge letters, with chalk, a bit of The litanies of Satan: Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère! (O Satan, take pity on my long misery!) A real good cringy moment, even at the time. Source
The dark, soulless one
I work at Disney World so we get a lot of the omg so edgy kids but my favorite was the ginger I saw the other day. So first off this kid looked like Ron Weasley joined the Death Eaters. He was wearing a balck shirt with generic death band name on it, super skinny black jeans and black ankle high Docs. He clearly had some makeup skills as he had carefully put on his eyeliner in 2 giant circles around his eyes making him look like a demeted raccoon. His hair was shaved except for the middle section which sort of looked like a floppy mohawk. The long part of his hair was dyed black while the shaved parts were a bright pumpkin orange. He’s leaning against the wall of Great Movie Ride trying to look cool as f_ck when his dad (who looked like Mr. Weasley’s twin) asks this beautiful question. “Would the dark, soulless one like a churro?” That’s about when I lost my sh_t and had to walk so I wouldn’t hurt the dark, soulless one’s feelings. Source
Edgy ink
There was a guy in my class who would write all sorts of “edgy” words on his arms in pen before he went to school. Stuff like “bourgeoisie”, “revolution”, “status quo?” Source
The “most unique individual”
Me in eighth grade. I wish I was joking. This was around… 2006-ish, so edgy kids were basically just called emo’s back then. I liked Green Day and Linkin Park, but I hated My Chemical Romance because they were “posers.” I didn’t have an allowance because I was a lazy shit that never did any work around the house so I just kept the money my parents gave me for school lunches and just spent it on goth clothes and my World of Warcraft subscription… my main was an undead shadow priest, of course! I even owned a legitimate gothic lolita dress and would wear it regularly to school, petticoats and mary janes and everything. I laid the eyeliner on so thick that kids would yell “raccoon!” at me in the hallway. I showed people my self-harm scars, and would make a great point of reading violent/sexual manga in class because I wanted people to see how much of an edgelord I was. I started wearing a pentacle necklace and told the other kids I was a witch and could curse people (some people actually believed me!), and I got in trouble for telling people I had a hit list. The teachers were on high alert with me at all times and would dish out detentions if I breathed the wrong direction; instead of assuming I was up to the attention-seeking antics I truly was, they were convinced that this underweight little weaboo girl was a total f_cking sociopath and was going to pull a Columbine on them in a lacy black dress with petticoats and knee-high stockings. One time I got an after-school detention because I refused to remove my coat in class (I was actually hiding a stain on my shirt and was too embarrassed to take it off), and I got another one because I started hauling my book bag to class and refused to put it in my locker, because I thought it was stupid that I had to go all the way back to my locker in between classes, retrieve my books, then book it to class before the bell rang or risk getting a detention for being late! I got so many detentions that I wasn’t allowed to go to the school dance! I was convinced that they had it out for me, but I realize now I was just an edgy little sh_t that wanted to be defiant about literally everything that adults told me to do. I also wore a tablespoon around my neck (which pissed off my mom because it was her nice measuring spoon), drew pictures of people disintegrating other people with laser eyes, told people I was bipolar, and pretended that I was this prominent drug lord with mafia connections or something when I hadn’t so much as smoked weed in my life. I also dressed up as Alex from A Clockwork Orange when I was 14. I’m surprised I actually had friends during that time. In the eighth grade superlatives I was voted “most unique individual” and there’s a picture of me looking edgy as f*ck in the yearbook.
The Nirvana fan
I met a kid who said she loved Death Metal, wearing all black, etc. When asked her favorite death metal band, she said Nirvana. F*CKING. NIRVANA. Cut to me explaining what death metal, all the while she spews about how she’s glad Kurt killed himself. Too edgy. Source
The girl with issues
We have friends staying and their 15 year old daughter got caught with my razor scratching her arm. I asked her why and it is apparently cool to have issues and self harm. She is spoilt rotten and the only issue she had was I asked her to wash up. Source
The “dark” edgy dude
Me, when I wrote a song that had the word ‘dark’ in every line. Every, line. Source
The edgy ice cream lover
My kid. She can outgrow the hair dying, wearing black, emo thing just anytime now. I play along, since resisting it only makes it 10x harder to change it. “I want to go to Hot Topic!” Sure, I’ll take you, want to get ice cream after? So edgy, dressed in black with a waffle cone. Source
Taking the whole “edgy” thing too far
A Native Canadian (aboriginal) girl I went to highschool with was all about the sacred spirit quest native act. She thought it would make her exotic and popular. So, she literally came to school with a dead bald eagle to show off, and was arrested promptly after. Source
The “normal person”
…myself. In ninth grade I dressed up as a “normal person” for Halloween. I borrowed an Aeropostale sweatshirt from my friend and wore a pink shirt and blue jeans, and did my makeup without swarths of black across my face. I thought I was so clever but now my assh*le retracts when I think of it. Source
A guy in my school told everyone he had a dark being inside him named Blake who only came out when he got mad. Then he told our Head of Year that he was being bullied when someone called him Blake. Source