Many people think that morning workouts are king, but they severely mistaken. Working out at night allows you to unwind after a stressful day and get some quality restful sleep —instead of having to wake up at the crack of dawn to go to a packed gym. Check out some of the other reasons you need to be working on your night moves!
Going from sleeping to active is just too much to ask for sometimes.
You need at least 7 hours of sleep to be a decent human being.
Hearing your alarm go off will seriously make you NOT want to work out.
The sun isn’t even up yet. If the sun can sleep, why can’t I?
Night workouts give you a chance to let out all the frustrations of the day.
You’ll be able to get more of that sweet, sweet morning sleep.
No need to worry about sweating the rest of the day.
Because you know that on the day you decide to take that extended spin class, your boss will ask you to give an impromptu presentation for all the partners. Dehydration is bad, folks.
You won’t need to get ready for work in the locker room anymore.
Not being able to get a shower after your workout is NOT how you wanted to start the day.
Morning workouts tend to make you hungrier during the day.
Night workouts are rewarded with the best post-workout meal: DINNER!
Going to this bar is WAY better than going to the other kind.
The gym is usually less crowded at night.
Your fellow late-risers also know the importance of getting extra sleep in the morning.
The gym is the perfect excuse to blow off any commitment that you don’t want to go to.
You’ll be more motivated to finish that last set.
Since you literally have nothing else to do after this, there’s no reason to NOT power through those final sets.