Get ready for some wild tales as we dive into the hidden world of security cameras. We’ve rounded up stories from employees who’ve witnessed the absolute craziest and most unhinged moments caught on surveillance. From daring heists to spooky encounters, you won’t believe the shenanigans that unfold when no one’s watching. So, buckle up and get ready for a rollercoaster ride of bizarre antics and jaw-dropping surprises! All content has been edited for clarity purposes.
“He Was Fired And Banned From The Property”
“I worked as a facilities manager at a college. One morning, I got a call from a colleague’s wife explaining how he had stabbed someone at the school in the middle of the night. She claimed it was self-defense.
The thing was, this particular colleague didn’t work nights. Nobody worked nights. So when I went to check the security footage, I saw him arrive drunk around 1:30 a.m., beer in hand, swaying a bit. He went around the school moving stuff for a while, like picture frames and old furniture in storage. Just a note, moving things around wasn’t even in his job description.
My colleague went into a room he wasn’t supposed to access, as it was leased to a tenant. He accidentally left his keys in the room, and the door locked behind him when he left and the door closed. Then, everything got weird. He pulled a huge knife from his pocket and shoved it down the back of his pants. He began talking to himself and wandered around a bit looking agitated. Then, he went outside off camera for a while, about 8 minutes. This is when he stabbed a homeless guy in the parking lot.
Afterward, he came back in and proceeded to wreck my office. He busted in the door by kicking it repeatedly. It destroyed my door, which had a metal exterior. Plus, the deadbolt was completely bent and mangled. Finally, the employee hid his knife and called the cops.
When the cops showed up, my colleague explained how he caught a homeless guy breaking into the school.
He proceeded to show the cops the damage done on my office door and said, ‘I caught the homeless guy red-handed. He tried to attack me, but I pulled the knife out in self-defense and scared him back outside.’
The cops took pictures and his statement and left. My colleague went and helped himself to a beer from our storage room and celebrated for a while.
His version was he had a ‘gut feeling’ late a night and decided to check on the school. He ‘caught’ a homeless guy busting into my office and confronted him, a fight ensued, and he stabbed the guy to prevent a robbery. My now former colleague thought he was a hero, of course.
Well, he completely FORGOT the school had cameras everywhere. Part of his job was to CHECK the cameras, but he never did it. He never even learned how to use them. He never bothered to learn what areas of the school were monitored, either. Later, he was shocked when I told him what I had observed.
As one could imagine, he was fired and banned from the property. The homeless guy was okay, but he walked away with an arm injury. He told the cops he didn’t want to press charges, and he had no idea what prompted the attack. I learned from the cops later about my colleague was arrested prior for another alcohol-related incident.
I gave the cops all of the footage, and they confirmed the employee falsified a report. I assumed they charged him, but I never learned for sure what happened to him. My opinion about this colleague certainly changed forever, though.”
Prison Guard Problems
“I previously worked as a guard in a prison. The house block I guarded was for inmates with dementia and those considered to be criminally insane. Needless to say, there were plenty of colorful characters in my block.
One day, an inmate was beating his head off of his door. He continuously hit his head so hard, it ended up splitting open. As a result, my colleagues and I had to place him in a cell with a camera so we could keep a close eye on him. We didn’t want him to harm himself any further.
10 minutes after being placed in the cell, I checked the camera. I watched as the inmate pooped between two pieces of sliced sandwich bread we gave him, then proceeded it eat it. It was insane. I couldn’t work in the same block for much longer afterward.”
The Mall Mishap
“Several years ago, my dad, who worked in insurance, brought me in to help him review security camera footage for a strange claim. A shopping mall was facing a lawsuit from a woman who alleged she had slipped on a wet floor without any warning signs. Little did she know, her scheme was about to be exposed most comically.
As we settled into the dimly lit office, Dad fired up the security footage from the day of the incident. The woman in question appeared on the screen, walking through the mall with a determined expression. I couldn’t help but think she looked a bit too poised for someone about to slip and fall.
As she reached the area where the alleged accident occurred, something caught my eye. She paused and glanced around suspiciously, checking if anyone was watching. Satisfied with knowing she was in the clear, she reached into her purse and produced a water bottle. My dad and I exchanged knowing glances. This was already turning into an interesting case.
With a sneaky smile, she unscrewed the cap and poured the entire contents of the water bottle onto the floor in front of her. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. It was like something out of a bad movie.
With the ‘hazard’ in place, she dramatically stepped forward and took a rather exaggerated stride. As expected, her foot landed squarely in the water she had just spilled, and she flailed her arms as if fighting to maintain balance. Her performance was Oscar-worthy, but unfortunately for her, we were the judges.
Suppressing our laughter, my dad and I continued watching. The woman quickly gathered herself, all the while maintaining a serious poker face.
We were dumbfounded by her audacity. It was as if she believed she could outsmart the mall and the insurance company with her little water bottle trick. I had to hand it to her; she had nerve.
But justice, in the form of security cameras, was on our side. We had the whole charade recorded, from the moment she planted the ‘evidence’ to her graceful slip and fall.
Needless to say, she didn’t stand a chance in court. When the footage was presented during the trial, even the judge had a hard time keeping a straight face. The case unraveled before our eyes, and we knew we had it in the bag.
In the end, justice was served. The woman’s lawsuit against the mall was thrown out, and her slippery scheme landed her in a pool of embarrassment instead. I’m sure the footage will be remembered and chuckled about for years to come whenever we talk about absurd insurance cases.”
“They Had Some Of The Strangest Camera Footage In Town”
“A lot of wild stuff went down in my mom’s insurance office. All of which, were always caught on security cameras. Most of the time, it was just mundane things like office chatter, paperwork, and the occasional cat video break. However, there have been a couple of crazy and scary incidents.
One day, three sketchy-looking guys walked in. One guy pretended to be all interested in getting a quote. Classic diversion tactic. Meanwhile, his partner headed towards the back, acting all casual like he needed the bathroom. The third one, though, he stationed himself up front with our receptionist.
Now, things started getting dicey when the guy in the back tried to sneak into one of the offices. Fortunately, one of my mom’s coworkers stopped him in his tracks. He tried to play it cool, mumbling something about searching for the bathroom, but the coworker wasn’t buying it.
But, here’s the kicker – the guy up front, the master of distraction, actually swiped a precious NASCAR model car signed by none other than Dale Earnhardt Jr. The boss was heartbroken; the model was his pride and joy. We still wonder if it’s hanging in the thief’s man cave somewhere.
And that wasn’t even the creepiest part. You see, one of the offices the cameras monitored was this eerie, empty room doubling as a storage and break area. Now, when the lights were off, the cameras caught some freaky stuff. Orbs and shadowy figures lurked everywhere– it was like the office turned into a haunted house. The motion detector went haywire, detecting movement when there was no one there. And before you ask, no, it was not just dust playing tricks on everyone’s eyes. Dust didn’t move like a person!
So yeah, life at my mom’s insurance office could get pretty interesting. From slick thieves to ghostly encounters, there was never a dull moment. But hey, she kept a close eye on things, and at least the office could say they had some of the strangest camera footage in town.”